Hi, Erick here and because our business is about telling stories, here is a little bit about my story.

I grew up in Lima-Peru in a street named "Calle Redi" and decided to study marketing and communications because my professors from school of Electrical Engineering broke my heart. I just could never figure out those long equations and there was no motivation and support at the school I went to (URP Lima-Peru).

When I turned 24, I had no clue of what to do with my life, and was looking for a career I could really be passionate about and always do what I would really love.

Erick Villaran

In 1995 I moved to Washington DC and discovered there was an Audio Recording career and I loved it... Then moved back to Peru and my family helped me build a recording studio which I named EVC. I had such a great time recording many rock bands and some of them even made it into the Radio and MTV. Produced many music albums, and corporate projects.

After managing the studio for a couple of years I started thinking I needed better training on how to manage a business, so I took a technical degree in marketing and business management. Those courses really help me organize my business better, personal expenses and even manage my life!

In 2000 the internet was becoming more popular and I'd realized that audio was just a part of long list of media production tools, so I decided to go to school for video production. While learning how to use the cameras, lights and in the studio, I'd realized how much I like photography, motion graphics and animation. Those courses were in the curricula and I felt in love with them!

Within my animation course I learned a software called Flash and I noticed it can also be used for web design, so I wanted to learn more about the subject and went to school (Toulouse Lautrec Lima) for web and graphic design.

After being in school and taking all those courses I felt I was set and ready to start making money doing what I love. I thought I could set my career goals in Peru but the market wasn't giving me opportunities so I decided to move to the United States, and here I am living as an American Citizen, happily married to my wife Melanie and with the joy of my son Sebastian!

With Han Tak

For You Chinito

Hey Han, so here I am writing a story about the legacy you have left in my business. Who would've thought one day I will be doing something like this, right? Even though I can't get to see you, I know you will read this.

Han, I just want to say thank you for guiding and helping me so much in my career. You were the only person that I have ever met who saw the potential there is in my passion and showed my the way to make a living out of it making my dream of working in what I love and support my family come true.

I miss your stubbornness, your charisma, how people loved you and looked up to you as a business asset and role model! The time you were here impacted me so much, I guess you don't know the value of a friendship until your friend is gone.

I promise you I will continue being who I am, setting goals and working hard to reach them and be a good father to my son like you were. I will always have in mind your mentorship and how the word "delusional" faded out from our conversations.

Rest In Peace my great friend and business partner, I miss you so much and know you will be forever by my side.


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